Learn how to play poker with our guide, covering everything from the basic rules and terms to betting strategies that can boost your winning odds.

How to Play Poker: Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Poker is an interesting strategic card game with a steep learning curve. All you need to do is to form the best five-card hand possible from the cards you are dealt and bet their value is stronger than what your opponents are holding. You can also bluff your way to victory.

That sounds easy, right? But you need years of practice and betting rounds to master poker. The more you play, the more you can learn a poker strategy to boost your odds when playing online poker or video poker against other players or a machine, respectively.

Are you ready to learn how to play poker?

In this handy guide, we’ll explain basic poker rules and terms and how to play poker. We’ll also discuss poker strategies, including ranking poker hands and creating a poker cheat sheet.

You can join the action and play a variety of online poker games at LuckLandia.

A Glossary of Poker Terms for Beginners

As a beginner poker player, learning basic poker terms reduces the risk of losing big. Here is a glossary of poker terms you need to understand before trying your hand at poker:

  • Ante: A small forced bet that each player must contribute to the pot before each hand begins.
  • Blinds: Forced bets posted by the two players to the left of the dealer before the hand starts. The small blind is typically half the size of the big blind.
  • Check: Choosing not to bet when it is your turn to act. If no one else bets, the action moves to the next player.
  • Bet: Placing chips into the pot as a wager.
  • Call: Matching the current bet made by another player.
  • Raise: Increasing the current bet by putting more chips into the pot.
  • Fold: Discarding your hand and forfeiting any bets you’ve made in the current hand.
  • Pot: The total amount of chips or money that players are competing for in a hand.
  • Showdown: The final phase of a hand where the remaining players reveal their hole cards to determine the winner.
  • Community Cards: Cards placed in the center of the table that all players share. These cards are used in conjunction with each player’s hole cards to form the best possible hand.
  • Flop: The first three community cards that are dealt face-up on the table in Texas Hold’em and Omaha
  • Turn: The fourth community card dealt in Texas Hold’em and Omaha.
  • River: The fifth and final community card dealt in Texas Hold’em and Omaha.
  • All-In: Betting all of your remaining chips in a single hand.
  • Pot Odds: The ratio of the current size of the pot to the cost of a contemplated call. Pot odds are used to determine the potential profitability of a decision.
  • Drawing Hand: A hand that is not yet complete but has the potential to improve with the upcoming community cards.
  • Position: Refers to a player’s position at the table relative to the dealer button. The positions include the early position, middle position, late position, and the blinds.
  • Tilt: When a player becomes emotionally affected by previous losses and starts making irrational decisions.
  • Bad Beat: When a hand that is a strong favorite to win loses to an unlikely draw or catch by another player.
  • Table Stakes: These are rules that allow a player to wager only the chips in front of them at the beginning of a hand.
  • Bluff: A poker strategy in which a player bets on a weak hand to intimidate opponents into folding their stronger hands. This allows the bluffer to win the pot without having to show their cards.
  • Poker Hands: The five cards you play with
  • Button: The position of the dealer marked with a plastic disk

These are just a few of the many poker terms you may encounter while playing. As you gain more experience, you’ll become more comfortable with the language and terminology used in poker.

Basic Poker Rules

As a beginner poker player, here are the basic rules that apply to most poker variants, from Texas Hold’em to Omaha to Seven-Card Stud.

1. Poker Hands Ranking

Poker hands are ranked based on their strength. The standard hand rankings, from highest to lowest, are Royal Flush, Straight Flush, Four of a Kind, Full House, Flush, Straight, Three of a Kind, Two Pair, One Pair, and High Card.

2. Dealing

A designated poker dealer (or the software in online poker) distributes the cards clockwise. Each player receives a certain number of private cards, known as “hole cards” or “pocket cards,” depending on the variant being played.

3. Betting Rounds

Poker involves a series of betting rounds. The most common types of betting structures are “Limit” and “No-Limit.” In a Limit game, there are specific bet and raise limits for each round. In a No-Limit game, players can bet any amount of chips they have in front of them.

4. Blinds

In some variants, such as Texas Hold’em, two players to the left of the dealer post mandatory bets called “blinds.” The player immediately to the left of the dealer posts the “small blind,” and the player to their left posts the “big blind.” The blinds ensure there is money in the pot and create initial action.

5. Rounds of Play

Poker typically consists of several rounds of play, including pre-flop, flop, turn, and river.

  • Pre-Flop: Each player receives their hole cards. The first betting round begins with the player to the left of the big blind.
  • Flop: The dealer reveals three community cards on the table, which all players share. The second betting round begins.
  • Turn: The dealer reveals a fourth community card. The third betting round begins.
  • River: The dealer reveals a fifth and final community card. The fourth and final betting round begins.

6. Betting Options

During each betting round, players have various options:

  • Check: If no bet has been made, a player can choose to pass the action to the next player without betting.
  • Bet: A player can place a wager to contribute to the pot.
  • Call: If a previous player has made a bet, the current player can match the bet to stay in the hand.
  • Raise: A player can increase the previous bet by adding more chips to the pot.
  • Fold: A player can discard their cards and exit the hand, forfeiting any bets made.

7. Showdown

If two or more players remain after the final betting round, a showdown occurs. The remaining players reveal their hole cards, and the player with the best hand, according to the poker hands ranking, wins the pot. In the case of a tie, the pot is split between the tied players.

8. Start a New Hand

After the showdown, the dealer button moves to the next player, and a new hand begins. The process repeats with players receiving new hole cards.

How Many People Can Play Poker?

Traditionally, poker is considered a game for 2 to 7 players. However, more than seven people can play certain poker variants, and some of the biggest poker tournaments have up to eleven players in the early stages.

Below are the common poker formats:

Full ring

This is the most common format for Texas Hold ’em and can be played with ten players. However, some full-ring games limit the number of players to nine. Note that a full ring does not necessarily involve nine or ten players; it only refers to the highest number of players that can participate.


The maximum number of players allowed in a short-handed game is usually six, hence the other name six-max. Just like with a full-ring game, a short-handed game can also run even with fewer players at the table.


Finally, a heads-up game refers to a match between two opponents. Heads-up is a popular online format; it is rarely seen in poker rooms, though, simply because of the inefficient use of poker tables.

Poker Hands Ranking: Card Values Explained

Poker hands are combinations of cards – in Texas Hold’em, two-hole cards, and five community cards – that eventually, but not necessarily, decide the winner of a poker game.

The strength of different hands that you can play is classified by the poker hands rankings, which is an essential tool to get a grasp of how to play poker. At the core of all variants of the game is a standard poker hand ranking system that is crucial to get the hang of if you’re serious about winning.

Here, we will rank the ten basic poker hands from the strongest to the weakest.

Royal Flush

The royal flush is the highest-ranked hand. It features five consecutive cards in the same suit in value order from ace through 10, as in A♦ K♦ Q♦ J♦ 10♦.

Straight flush

A straight flush stands for a combination of five sequential cards of the same suit, like J♠ 10♠ 9♠ 8♠ 7♠.


Four of a kind or quads stands for a hand containing four cards of one rank in all four suits and a card of another rank, called the kicker, as in 9♥ 9♣ 9♦ 9♠ K♥.

Full House Poker

Full house poker, otherwise known as a full boat or a boat (originally called a full hand), is a hand made up of the same rank cards in three different suits and a pair of the same rank in two different suits, such as A♥ A♣ A♦ 3♠ 3♥. It is ranked first by the rank of the triplet and then the pair.

Poker Flush

Poker flush stands for five cards of the same suit in whatever order. An example is K♣ 10♣ 8♣ 7♣ 5♣.


Five cards in sequence made up of more than one suit. An ace can rank as either high or low, but not both in the same hand, such as 10♥ 9♣ 8♦ 7♠ 6♥. An ace-high straight like A♣ K♣ Q♦ J♠ 10♠ is referred to as a Broadway straight, whereas a five-high straight, like 5♠ 4♦ 3♦ 2♠ A♥, is dubbed a baby straight, bicycle or wheel.

Three of a kind

Three of a kind, aka trips or a set, is a poker hand made up of three cards of the same value in three different suits, such as 7♥ 7♦ 7♣ Q♠ 3♥. The three-of-a-kind hand is completed with the two highest available cards.

Two pair

This hand stands for two different sets of two cards of matching rank. The highest-ranked remaining card completes the hand. For example, J♥ J♣ 5♦ 5♠ 7♥.


A pair stands for two cards of the same rank in different suits, such as A♥ A♣ K♦ J♠ 7♥. The rest of the hand is formed using the three highest-ranked cards at your disposal. By the way, did you know that different poker hand combinations, and most notably pairs, have their own poker hand nicknames?

High card

This is the lowest-ranked hand. It means that the highest card you were dealt is your best hand as none of the five cards can pair up. In case more than one player ends up with not even a pair, the hands are ranked by the highest card in each hand. An example hand is K♥ 8♣ Q♦ 2♠ 7♥.

Different Types of Poker

There are numerous variants of poker—dozens if you wish. Some players stick to one version, while others choose to play many different versions (sometimes even several at once when playing online).

Of course, we are not going to list them all here, as it would take too much space. To better grasp different types of poker, we classify them into three main categories according to the way the cards are dealt:

Draw poker

Poker variants in this category are games in which hands dealt to players are hidden from their opponents; to improve their hands, players can replace a certain number of cards. Some of the most popular variants in this category are:

  • Five-Card Draw: In a Five-Card Draw, the goal is to make the best five-card hand. The hand rankings follow the standard poker hand rankings, with the highest-ranking hand (such as a Royal Flush) being the strongest
  • Badugi: Badugi is a lowball poker variant that originated in Asia. In this draw poker game, the goal is to make the lowest possible four-card hand with cards of different suits and ranks.

Stud poker

In the stud poker playing card variant, players are dealt hands that contain both hidden and exposed cards, so they have some idea about what their opponents might have. Examples of stud poker games are:

  • Five-Card Stud: In a Five-Card Stud, the goal is to make the best possible five-card hand using a combination of hole cards and exposed cards. The hand rankings follow the standard poker hand rankings, with the highest-ranking hand (such as a Royal Flush) being the strongest.
  • Seven-Card Stud: In Seven-Card Stud, each player receives a combination of face-up and face-down cards over multiple betting rounds. The goal is to make the best five-card hand from the seven cards received.
  • Razz: Razz is a lowball poker variant that is played with the goal of making the lowest possible five-card hand. It is a form of Seven-Card Stud where the traditional hand rankings are reversed, and the weakest hand wins

Shared card poker

In shared or community card poker, some cards are dealt face up in the center of the table, called the board, for all players to use to form a hand, while the rest are dealt face down for the player’s eyes only. The most famous versions of shared card poker are:

  • Texas Hold’em: Texas Hold’em is the most widely played form of poker. Each player is dealt two private cards (“hole cards”), and then five community cards are dealt face-up on the table. Players must make the best hand possible using any combination of their hole cards and the community cards.
  • Omaha: Omaha is similar to Texas Hold’em, but each player is dealt four private cards instead of two. The players must make the best hand using two of their hole cards and three of the five community cards.

Differences Between Playing Poker Online vs. in a Land-Based Casino

Learning how to play poker online doesn’t differ much from learning how to play poker at home; both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, so we will try to sum up the pros and cons of both online and land-based poker to help guide your choice.

Pros of Playing Card at a Land-based Casino

  • Socializing with other players: Land–based casinos are social places that raise the level of excitement and offer a unique experience.
  • Handling cards and chips – poker chips constitute an important part of a poker game. Being able to handle cards and chips adds to the excitement, as opposed to betting with virtual chips
  • Free drinks – most land-based casinos offer free drinks to their visitors, which is a nice touch, considering the money you’re spending there.
  • Tells – when playing poker, bluffing is essential. Knowing poker tells makes it much easier to read your opponent’s hand in a brick-and-mortar venue and analyze their behavior to see if they’re bluffing.

Cons of playing at a land-based casino

  • Expensive – most of us don’t live in an area where there are land-based casinos, which means that to visit one, you have to travel there, pay for accommodation, etc.
  • Hectic atmosphere – for some, buzzing activity at land-based casinos can be stimulating; others may find it hard to concentrate due to noise.
  • Limited game selection—The most popular poker variant, Texas Hold ’em, can be found at any land-based casino worldwide. Still, most casinos don’t offer other options, so you won’t be able to try your luck at different poker iterations.

Pros of playing Online poker

  • Convenience – at casinos online, you can play anytime you like, without the need to travel and you can also learn how to play poker game at your own pace.
  • Perfect for newbies—Online venues are ideal for new players as they usually offer lower betting limits and free play.
  • No distractions – playing poker online from the comfort of your home means that you’ll be able to concentrate more on your strategy.
  • Keeping track of wins and losses – online casinos let you access your stats with a few clicks so that you always know how much you spent and won.
  • Game selection – don’t like Texas Hold ’em? No biggie, you can switch to Omaha Hi/Lo or Seven Card Stud at any point.
  • Opponents can’t read your hand – this comes in handy, especially if you’re a greenhorn because more experienced players are naturally better at calling your bluff.

Cons of playing Online poker

  • Lack of actual casino experience—visiting a land-based casino is a unique experience, and playing online isn’t anywhere near hanging out in a flashy poker room.
  • You can’t tell when other players are bluffing – not giving your bluff away is a good thing, but note that when playing online, you won’t be able to tell if your opponents are bluffing either.

Online Poker Variants

With the widespread of the internet, online gambling has become a mainstream way of playing cards. At online casinos, be sure to find traditional poker games, such as:

1. Cash Games

Cash games are the most common form of online poker. In cash games, players play with real money, and the chips on the table represent their monetary value. Players can join or leave the game at any time, and the blinds or stakes remain consistent throughout the session.

2. Tournaments

Online poker tournaments are structured competitions where players compete against each other for a share of the prize pool. Tournaments have a fixed buy-in amount and typically have increasing blinds or levels over time. As players get eliminated, the remaining players move closer to the final table, where the largest prizes are awarded.

3. Sit & Go’s

Sit-and-Go’s tournaments are small-scale tournaments that start as soon as the required number of players register. They often consist of a single table or a few tables and have predetermined prize structures. Compared to larger multi-table tournaments, Sit-and-Go offers a quicker and more time-efficient poker experience.

4. Fast-Fold Poker

Fast-fold poker, also known as Zoom or Rush poker, is a high-speed online poker format. In this game, players are pooled together and placed in a large player pool. After folding their hand, players are immediately moved to a new table with different opponents and receive a new hand. This format allows for faster gameplay and minimizes waiting time between hands.

5. Spin & Go’s

Spin & Go is a fast-paced, hyper-turbo Sit & Go tournament with a randomized prize pool. A spinning wheel determines the prize pool, which can offer players a chance to win a significant multiple of their buy-in amount. Spin & Go is usually played with three players.

6. Heads-Up Poker

Online platforms also offer heads-up poker games, where players compete in one-on-one matches. Heads-up games require a different strategy and focus compared to full-ring games, as players face off directly against their opponent.

When playing card games online, choose a reputable and trustworthy online poker site. Ensure that the site has proper licensing, secure payment options, and a good reputation for fair play. Additionally, be aware of responsible gambling practices and set limits on your deposits and playing time.

Highly Profitable Poker Tips Every Beginner Should Know

Poker is a skill game pretending to be based on luck. As a beginner poker player, here are some strategies you can use to increase your probability of winning:

1. Observe your opponents

By paying close attention to your opponent’s actions, betting patterns, and tendencies, you can get valuable information. Look for patterns of play, such as whether they bluff frequently or play conservatively. Adapt your strategy accordingly to exploit their weaknesses or avoid their strengths.

2. Position is key

Your position at the table is critical in poker. Acting last (in a late position) gives you an advantage as you have more information about your opponents’ actions before making your own decisions. In late position, you can play a wider range of hands and have more control over the pot size.

3. Learn the lingo

Poker has its own terminology, and understanding the language of the game is important. Familiarize yourself with terms like “blinds,” “check-raise,” “river,” “nuts,” and “pot odds.” This knowledge will help you communicate effectively with other players and understand strategy discussions.

4. Understand the concept of GTO

Game Theory Optimal (GTO) strategy aims to play in a balanced and unexploitable manner. While GTO strategy can be complex, having a basic understanding can help you make more informed decisions. GTO involves considering a wide range of bet sizes and actions to ensure opponents cannot exploit your play.

5. Learn how to bluff effectively

Bluffing is a key component of poker strategy. It involves representing a stronger hand than you actually have to make your opponents fold. Effective bluffing requires reading your opponents, understanding the board texture, and choosing the right moments to bluff.

6. Defend your Big Blind

The Big Blind is a forced bet, and defending it by calling or raising is important to protect your investment. Since you already have money in the pot, you often get good pot odds to call or re-raise. Defending your Big Blind with a wider range of hands can help prevent opponents from stealing the pot too easily.

7. Understand pot odds

Pot odds refer to the ratio of the current pot size to the cost of a contemplated call. By considering pot odds, you can determine the profitability of a particular call or bet. If the pot odds are favorable, it may be mathematically correct to continue in the hand, even with a marginal hand.

8. Play fewer hands and play them aggressively

Instead of playing a wide range of hands, focus on playing premium hands that have a higher chance of winning. Playing fewer hands allows you to have better control and make stronger decisions, making it hard for opponents to read the strength of your actual hand. Be aggressive with your betting and raising to put pressure on your opponents.

9. Fast-play your strong hands

When you have a strong hand, it is often beneficial to play it aggressively and build the pot. By betting and raising, you can extract more value from your opponents. But if you are unsure, bet or check-raise to avoid being outdrawn.

Start Playing Poker Like A Pro

Poker is partly a luck game. This means that to boost your winning probability, you need a betting strategy and skill. To get started, you need to learn how to play this card game. Luckily, we’ve explained how to play poker in simple terms. Familiarize yourself with the playing card terms, basic rules, variants, and some strategies you can use to increase your winning odds.


What are the basic hand rankings in poker?

The standard poker hands ranking, from highest to lowest, are Royal Flush, Straight Flush, Four of a Kind, Full House, Flush, Straight, Three of a Kind, Two Pair, One Pair, and High Card.

What is a “bluff” in poker?

A bluff is a bet or a raise made with a weak hand to make opponents believe that you have a strong hand. The intention is to make them fold, allowing you to win the pot.

What is a “pot odds” in poker?

Pot odds refer to the ratio of the current size of the pot to the cost of a contemplated call. It helps players determine whether making a particular call is mathematically profitable in the long run.

Is poker a game of skill or luck?

Poker is a game that combines both skill and luck. While luck plays a role in the short term, skilled players can consistently make profitable decisions and win over the long run.

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